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Bringer of Chaos_Forged in Fire Page 14

  "Fine. Safe now."

  "Yes, you're safe. I have you." He hugged her to himself.

  "Down." She struggled against his hold. "Walk."

  "Mother, you're in no condition to do anything."

  "Fight. I fight."

  "You always fight." He placed her in her pod and kissed her brow. The big cat settled along her side. "You're a valiant warrior full of honor."

  "No." Tears scorched her cheeks. The concern in her son's face swam in a blur of tears. "No. No, I'm not."

  Chapter Thirty

  Joss stayed at Six's side as he tracked Mahikos.

  The man swore with eloquent profanity. "Is it always like this?"

  "No. They don't usually get along this well."

  At that, Six swung his gaze toward her, his astonishment plain. After a moment, he blinked. "You're serious!" He recovered himself and returned to his quarry. "Wow, if this is the ap Lorectics getting along, I don't want to see them fighting."

  "If you stick around, you'll have no choice. Before the peace talks, they'd avoided each other for almost a century, but a new Council got voted in and they elected Pietas as Chancellor. That made Mahikos Chancellor Emeritus. By common vote, Dessy had been runner up, so she was Second-in-Command. That meant they had to work together every day. There's non-stop arguing. Gets old, believe me."

  "I do. Come from a feisty family myself. Someone's always on the outs." He gave a soft chuckle. "It's about to get even more interesting."


  "Above left. By the trees."

  She shielded her eyes. "What are-- Oh, no!"

  Against the bright dawn, a ridge of black revealed the silhouettes of over a dozen huge black cats.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Sitting beside his mother's pod, holding her hand, Pietas sang once again.

  Erryq kissed Helia on the cheek, patted Pietas on the arm and left the cave. Within minutes, Helia dropped into a deep, healing sleep.

  As he sang, Pietas put away worries about his father and whatever mischief the man might instigate. The others could handle him. Pietas shifted position to better see his mother. With her so gravely ill, nothing mattered more than healing her.

  After a time, Pretosia's ears flicked. The cat rose on its haunches, facing the cave entrance.

  Turning to see why, Pietas found Tiklaus and two other cats approaching. He ended his song and stood to greet the cats. "Good morning."

  The cats waited while Tiklaus continued alone, carrying something in its mouth. After reaching the end of the pod, the panther set down a dead rabbit.

  Pretosia took a single leap and landed beside it, picked it up, and retreated deeper into the cave.

  Tiklaus flicked its ears and another cat approached. After taking a rabbit from the cat's mouth, Tiklaus flicked its ears and the other cat backed away. Tiklaus set the rabbit at the feet of Pietas and nudged it toward him.

  Pietas went down on one knee. "You hunted for me?"

  The panther butted his chest, then looked back at the third cat. When it joined them, Tiklaus took the prey that cat carried and waited until it backed away. Once it had, Tiklaus swiped one massive paw at the pod and placed the second rabbit beside the first.

  Gratitude swamped Pietas. It took a full minute before he trusted himself to speak. "And for my mother." He tapped a fist over his heart. "How you honor me! Thank you."

  "Pietas!" Koliga called out. "Come see this!" He appeared at the cave's entrance, but then backpedaled, his brown-eyed gaze fixed on the three cats.

  "Come in. What's going on? You sound happy."

  "There's a whole troop of cats and they--" Koliga pointed to the rabbits. "I see you already got yours. They brought all of us rabbits. One apiece." He came inside. "Well, except Mahikos. When he tried to pick one up they snarled and lunged at him. He took off. Two more cats sit outside the camp. It looks like they're waiting for Joss and your human to come back. How did you get them to do that?"

  "I didn't." Pietas motioned to the panther. "Tiklaus, you have no idea how much I appreciate what you've done."

  Pretosia streaked past them and out of the cave.

  Koliga peered toward the opening. "Where's it going?"

  "Taking a well-deserved break, I imagine. That cat hasn't left Mother's side since it got here."

  "Do they understand what we say?"

  "I'm certain of it, but let's see. Tiklaus, as a favor to me, if I may pet you, nudge my right hand. If not, please nudge the left." He held them out.

  "Oh, come on! That cat's not--"

  Tiklaus chose the right side and Pietas petted it.

  Koliga crossed his arms. "That was pure, dumb luck."

  "Tiklaus, as a favor, will you please sit and then stand and turn around once?"

  The cat took a lick of its chops, but then did as asked and eyed Koliga, its green gaze serene.

  A soft swear word came from the other Ultra.

  Pietas stroked the cat's sleek back.

  Pretosia wandered inside and sat down. It licked one paw and started cleaning its face.

  "How was breakfast?" Pietas started to offer his palm to the smaller cat, but checked himself. A soldier did not interfere with the troops of a different commander. "Tiklaus, may I pet Pretosia?"

  The panther sneezed, which Pietas took for a yes. He held out his hand to the other cat and when it nudged him, he petted it and rubbed its ears. The animal flopped down on its back with no more dignity than a housecat. He rubbed its belly.

  After a few moments of indulgence, Tiklaus stepped between them. While Pietas stroked the bigger cat's side, Pretosia stood and shook itself. With one leap, it landed beside his mother. Not a whisker went too close. The panther stretched out again and curled that long tail around Helia's head, then set one paw across her legs.

  Tiklaus turned and the other cats backed away. Once they had, Tiklaus licked Pietas on the face and rubbed its nose under his chin, then turned and lumbered off, the others in tow.

  Koliga stood aside and let them pass. "I can't believe how lucky we are to have them do this. If it's okay with you, I'll start skinning these rabbits and cooking them." He pointed to the ones near Pietas. "Is it okay if I come get those?"

  Pretosia alerted, green eyes watchful, whiskers twitching.

  "I'll bring them to you." He picked them up. "Here. Thanks, Lig."

  The big cat closed its eyes.

  "What's going on with my father?"

  "Dessy worked her charm. You know how she is with him. He won't refuse her anything. She distracted him. While he wasn't looking, Armand and Philippe confiscated the bucket of pitch. Once he saw that, he gave up the torch. Said he was trying to make a point and wouldn't have done it."

  "And your opinion?"

  "Ever since we got here he's been..." Koliga made circling motions near his ear. "Not sure he'd have set the fire, but, Pietas..." He dropped his gaze and fidgeted with the rabbits.

  Pietas gave him a minute before prompting him. "Go on, Lig."

  "It's not my place."

  "Councilmembers speak their mind. That won't stop because we have no formal chambers. Talk to me."

  Koliga's face brightened but then he turned serious. "The penalty for attempted murder... I know he said he wouldn't have done it, but he could have. He didn't just attempt it out there by the pods. He had a knife at your human's throat. I know Ultras are at war with humans--or we were--but Six was a guest. Your friend. Mahikos had no right to attack him."

  Pietas tapped a fist over his heart. "Lig, you honor me."

  "I don't see any reason to fight this human. If he's your friend he can be mine."

  "And in this, you honor yourself. Well said, my friend." He gave a quick tap over his heart. "Now, go on. What do the others say about the threat of murder?"

  He grimaced. "Exile's harsh."

  "I see." He suspected the man meant that telling the son his father should be exiled was harsh, but Pietas kept that to himself. "Is that what they say? That exile's hars

  "No, but... Exile's a full lifetime."

  "True. Forty years. No more, no less. An Ultra lifetime."

  "Too long, when we need every person we can get."

  "No one is exiled without full Council approval, Lig. It must be unanimous."

  "If a member is on trial, wouldn't he have to be voted out first?"

  "Yes, he would. You're a fine councilmember. You know the law better than a lot of people."

  Koliga stood straighter. "I pay attention, that's all. Okay, I'll go start on these. When are we doing the Mingle? I mean, I know Helia refused, but now that you're here and Mahikos is out..." He fidgeted. "We're doing it, aren't we?"

  "Yes, we are. As soon as everyone's eaten. The Mingle will sap our strength."

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Pietas gnawed every morsel of meat off the bones and would have eaten those too, if he could. It had been a long time since he'd eaten. Erryq offered him part of hers. As tiny as she was, she ate little. He nibbled every bite. Each of them had left two bites for Helia. She would need food once she healed.

  At Erryq's suggestion, all the bones went into a pot to be cooked for broth. Vaguely unsanitary, but Ultras were immune to disease. Besides, he chided himself, he was about to commit the most unsanitary act of all. Sharing blood.

  Too weak to eat, Helia had taken a few sips of water.

  Seeing her so listless drove Pietas to pace behind her pod while the others finished their meal. He'd been the one who insisted they finish eating. The Mingle took blood. He'd performed it on the battlefield under dire conditions and it had endangered everyone. Hunger made recovery longer, harder. But now he had to bite the inside of his cheeks to keep from shouting for them to hurry.

  One by one, they gathered within the cave, except Marjo, standing watch. A good leader never pulled all his people in one place with no one to serve as lookout. Armand and Philippe had volunteered, but they functioned as a team and their strength could come in handy.

  To help Pietas take part, Marjo had given him her blood kit, a pocket-sized tool that enabled battlefield transfusions. Every Ultra carried one, but his had been destroyed when he'd been imprisoned. All the others still had theirs.

  Six had positioned himself where Pietas wanted him, near the mouth of the cave and away from others. Protected.

  "Pretosia." Pietas stood back. "You're relieved. Thank you. Take a break."

  Dessy chuckled. "Like it knows what you're saying."

  The cat leaped down and sauntered over to her, took a sniff from boots to knees.

  "Tas!" Hands up, Dessy took tiny steps back. "What's this thing doing?"

  "Let's ask. Pretosia, did my sister insult you?"

  The panther stared up at his sister, fangs bared.

  Dessy backed away.

  The cat continued to stare.

  "Um, Tas, did it really know what I said?"

  "Yes, and I'll prove it. Pretosia, please sit on my sister's right side and wrap your tail around her feet."

  "No, that's okay!" Dessy went stiff as the cat carried out Pietas's command. "Um... Nice, kitty." She gave the cat a tentative pat.

  Pretosia sneezed.

  Dessy yanked back her hand, the look of fear on her face priceless.

  The cat walked away, tail high, stopped and cast a glance back at Dessy. With a flick of its tail, the panther trotted from the cave.

  His sister released a huge sigh.

  Koliga whistled. "I wonder what other things they can do."

  "I suspect we'll find out soon enough." Pietas motioned for quiet.

  As one, the group of people faced him. Though he longed to snap out orders and put everyone to work, his focus had to be on his mother.

  "Erryq, you represent Medical. Will you direct us, please?"

  "Of course." She approached. "Is this the full ritual or a battlefield quickie?"

  "Mother needs as much strength as she can get."

  "Full it is. Let's put her pod on the ground and gather around her. We'll need to be sitting for this."

  Armand and Philippe did the honors, placing the pod without rocking Helia. Everyone sat cross-legged on the floor in a circle. Pietas, Dessy, and Erryq sat closest to her.

  Erryq faced the gathered Councilmembers. "There's a big bowl of water outside near the fire. When we've finished, place your blood kits in it and I'll make sure they're cleaned and returned to you." She placed her hands together. "Center and prepare."

  Heads went down.

  In silence, Pietas repeated his mantra and then closed his eyes and visualized himself on a storm-swept beach. He willed away anxiety, allowing it to recede on the tide. Gentle waves lapped at the shore, leaving calm in their wake. When he opened his eyes, his gaze collided with Six's.

  Though at the exit of the cave, he was sitting opposite him. The ghost tapped a fist over his heart.

  "Are we ready?" Erryq looked around the circle. "Good. Let us each share a word with our sister. I'll start." She took Joss's hand. "Hope."

  "Serenity." Joss reached her other hand out to Koliga.

  "Benevolence." He linked with Michel.

  "Tranquility." He held out a hand to Armand.

  Armand accepted. "Peace." He joined with his brother.

  "Cherished." Philippe turned his hand palm up toward Dessy.

  His sister accepted. "Comforted." In turn, she reached for Pietas.

  He took her hand. "Healed." He took his mother's hand and then locked gazes with Six, willing him to see the bond.

  Six mouthed one word in silence. "Loved."

  Pietas released a breath. That one unspoken word did more to lift his heart than all the ones spoken before.

  Erryq held hands with Helia. "The circle is complete. Let our blood mingle as freely as our hearts have mingled in love."

  Each reached into a pocket and withdrew a blood kit.

  Erryq went first. After inserting the syringe in her own arm and crimping the tube, she inserted the other end in Joss's arm. Joss then inserted hers in her opposite arm. Koliga helped her insert it in his and so on around the circle. Pietas accepted his sister's and then linked to his mother. He connected Helia to Erryq. Once all were linked, they took turns releasing the clamps between each person.

  "So the Mingle begins." Erryq rested her hands on her thighs. "Rest. Soft talk. This will take some time. Our sister's need is great."

  Pietas centered himself, eyes half-closed, silent. Aware of the others, aware of Six, hyper-aware of his mother, he settled into position to wait.

  Time passed.

  The sun crawled across the floor of the cave. No one moved. No one spoke.

  How long had it been since he slept? Two days? Three? He'd not slept at all the night after his sister, Joss, and the twins had found him and Six. He'd been up most of the night before as well. Though an Ultra needed little sleep, they required some. He'd nap after the Mingle. After his mother was out of danger.

  Erryq touched his arm. "It's time."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Look at her. She's reborn."

  His mother's color was bright, the sallow tinge in her skin gone. The rebirth had left her vernal, vibrant, young.

  Her eyes fluttered open and she gazed at him. "Thank you." She placed one hand on his arm and looked over at Erryq, closest to her. "And thank you. Where is my Dessy?"

  "I'm here! Here, Mother." His sister yanked on the tubes connecting him to her.

  "Slow down. Let me help you." Pietas assisted her with the blood link. "There. You're disconnected." He started removing the one from himself to his mother.

  "Mother!" His sister crawled past him, paying no mind to the blood on both arms. She gripped the pod. "Mother! Are you okay?"

  Helia cupped one hand around Dessy's cheek. "I am now."

  "I was so worried!" When had he ever seen his sister shed real tears? She wiped her face, oblivious to those around her. "Don't try to do so much this time." She drew up the thin blanket and tucked it around her mother. "Just
rest, okay?"

  Helia gripped Dessy's arm. "You're bleeding."

  "It's nothing." She extended her arms. "See? Already healed. We all ate well this morning. And we have food for you. Oh, Mother, there's so much to tell you."

  Helia brushed back Dessy's dark hair. "I want to hear every word."

  "After you've rested." She clasped her mother's hand in both of hers and leaned her cheek against it. "I'll tell you everything."

  "We should go." Koliga started to rise, but Pietas motioned to him to wait. The others had all disconnected from one another.

  Helia reached for Koliga. "I want to touch you. Thank you. Each of you."

  One at a time, the other Councilmembers knelt beside her pod, hearing her thanks, assuring her of the honor of helping heal her.

  When they had gone, Helia patted Pietas. "Now. How long are you going to keep me waiting? Don't you think it's time your human and I were introduced?"

  A prickle of unease snaked down his spine. "Mother..."

  "Go get him." Her eyes twinkled. "I promise not to do anything scandalous."

  Chapter Thirty-three

  So this was the person her son wouldn't admit he loved and was certain didn't love him back. That might be true, but she was going to find out for herself. How was her son ever to find a life partner if he wasn't looking for one? Six was mortal, so perhaps it wouldn't be him, but if a mortal could make her son happy for a while, where was the harm? She might not be able to nudge Pietas, but she might succeed in influencing Six.

  It was what mothers did, wasn't it?

  Helia had to admit, for a human, the man sitting beside her pod wasn't unattractive. Enviable smooth skin the color of caramel, almost-black hair, dark brown eyes. How she yearned to study his genetics in a proper laboratory. He was slender but strong. Had an easy smile.

  She extended a hand and he took it. Gentle but firm grip. "My son tells me you saved his life."

  "I take no credit for that." Six shot a glance at Pietas, who was sitting behind him, and then turned to her. "With his willpower? That man is impossible to kill."